Account Activity
To fully use this screen, you must have the View Account Activity permission assigned to your account.
You can use the Activity screen to view the infrastructure changes made to your account.
Additionally, this screen displays upcoming events, such as a virtual machine that has been scheduled to delete at the end of the billing cycle.
This screen retains and displays information for a 13-month period.
This screen will list changes to:
Virtual machines, including workloads and tiers
Advanced Backup
Firewall rules
Dynamic Threat Blocking (IP Reputation Manager)
L2L VPN tunnels
Disaster Recovery
Log Retention
Marketplace orders
SSL VPN connections
This screen will not include support tickets, nor invoices.
This screen limits to 10,000 rows of returned data.
Access Account Activity
In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.
Click Activity.
Review the columns.
Column | Description |
User | This column displays the name of the user who performed the action. Sometimes, a Hero will perform an action in your account. In this case, the name of the Hero will be displayed, along with ARMOR. |
Type | This column displays the section of AMP that has been affected:
Date | This column displays the date and time when the action took place. |
Activity | This column displays a brief description of the action. |
Review List of Supported Account Activities
The Activity screen displays the the following actions:
AMP Screen or Section | Account Activities |
Virtual Machines |
Workload and Tiers |
Disaster Recovery |
Advanced Backup |
L2L VPN Tunnels |
IP Addresses |
Marketplace |
Firewall |
Accounts |
Security |