Create a Remote Log Source - Cisco ISR

Create a Remote Log Source - Cisco ISR


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You can use this document to send Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR) logs to Armor's Security Information & Event Management (SIEM).

This document only applies to:

  • Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR) (IOS)

Pre-Deployment Considerations

To create a remote Log Relay, you must already have:

Update Your Cisco ISR Device

  1. Log into your Cisco ISR device.

  2. Access the privileged EXEC mode:

    hostname> enable
  3. Access the global configuration mode:

    hostname# configure terminal
  4. Enable logging:

    hostname(config)# logging on
  5. Configure the global logging settings:

    hostname(config)# no logging console hostname(config)# logging trap warning hostname(config)# logging origin-id hostname
  6. Configure the logs to be sent to a designated Armor Log Relay device:

    hostname(config)# logging source-interface <interface> hostname(config)# logging host <ipaddress> transport <protocol> port <port>

  7. Exit the configuration:

    hostname(config)# exit
  8. Save the changes:

    hostname# write memory
  9. Review the logging configuration:

    hostname# show run all logging logging enable logging timestamp logging hide username logging buffer-size 4096 logging asdm-buffer-size 100 logging buffered warnings logging trap warnings logging asdm warnings logging device-id hostname logging host inside 17/5140 logging flash-minimum-free 3076 logging flash-maximum-allocation 1024


Verify that logs are formatted correctly, similar to the following example:

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