Developer Resources
API Flow
It is possible to manage Connectors and Reports through the API. API Keys are used to securely call these endpoints. TODO: Add link to documentation on creating API keys.
Connector Endpoints:
Name | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Create a Connector | POST | /cspm/connector | Create a connector to a cloud environment (AWS, GCP or Azure) |
Connector List | GET | /cspm/connector | Returns list of active connectors across all providers. |
Update a Connector | PUT | /cspm/connector | Edit or update the cloud connector. |
Delete a connector | DELETE | /cspm/connector/{id} | Delete the cloud connector by Id. The id can be gotten from the connector list. |
Refresh Connector Status | GET | /cspm/connector?id={id}&refresh=true | Does a refresh on the cloud connector to update the connection status. |
Report Endpoints:
Name | Method | Endpoint | Description |
List of Reports | GET | /cspm/report/list | Gets the list of reports and basic information for the reports for the account. |
Create Report configuration | POST | /cspm/report/configuration | Used to create a Report configuration for a cloud connector, which will be used to generate the report going forward. |
Report configuration details | GET | cspm/report/configuration | Returns the report details. The report id can be gotten from the report list endpoint. |
Delete report | DELETE | /cspm/report/configuration/{reportId} | Delete the report configuration. The report id can be gotten from the report list endpoint. |
Run report | POST | /cspm/report/run?reportConfigId={reportId} | Runs the report. Reports are limited to being run once very 4 hours. The report id can be gotten from the report list endpoint. |
Get report data | GET | /cspm/report/{id} | Gets the report data. |
Policies Endpoints:
Name | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Policies by provider | GET | cspm/policies?provider={provider} | Get a list of policies by based on the provider. |
Policies by policy Id | GET | /cspm/connector?policyId={id} | Get policy information based on a specific policy Id. |
Policies | GET | /cspm/policies | Get the policy details for a policy id. |
Policy controls | GET | /cspm/policy/{policyId}/controls | Get the list of controls included in a policy. |
Data Endpoints:
Name | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Remediation for control | GET | /cspm/control/{id}/remediation | Gets the remediation info for the control |
Resources for control | GET | /cspm/report/{reportId/control/{controlId}/resources | Gets the resources evaluated for the control on the specified report |
Download Endpoints:
Name | Method | Endpoint | Description |
Export report details | GET | /cspm/report/{id}/export | Export the report details to a CSV file |
Export report details (PDF) | GET | /cspm/report/{id}/export?type=pdf | Export the report details to a PDF file |