Request Methods

The API follows basic RESTful conventions and uses HTTP methods to describe the type of request that is being submitted.

In general, endpoints follow these guidelines:

GETUse this method to receive an array of objects from a collection. You can also use this method to receive a specific item from the collection.
POSTUse this method to create an object.
PUTUse this method to update an object. Here, you will update the entire object.
PATCHUse this method to update an object. Here, you will only submit the specific properties that should be updated.
DELETEUse this method to delete an object.

Object-Type Definitions

Firewall Rules 

idThe ID of the firewall ruleIntegerOptional
destinationsArray of RuleMember objectsArrayRequired
sourcesArray of RuleMember objectsArrayRequired
servicesArray of Service objectsArrayRequired
actionAllow, blockEnumerationRequired
nameName of the firewall ruleStringRequired
descriptionDescription of the firewall ruleStringOptional
sortOrderSort Order for the firewall ruleIntegerRequired
isEnabledSpecifies whether the rule is enabledBooleanRequired
readonlyReserved for Armor defined rules, should always be falseBooleanRequired

Rule Member

idThe ID of the rule memberIntegerRequired
nameThe Name of the rule memberStringRequired
type"group," "any"EnumerationRequired
valuesArray of network addressesArrayOptional (Only if type is group)


idID of the serviceIntegerRequired
deviceIdID of the device the service belongs toIntegerRequired
locationName of the locationStringRequired
nameName of the serviceStringRequired
descriptionName of the descriptionStringOptional
valuesArray of ServiceValueArrayRequired

Service Value

portPort of the service to open. Eithis this or minimum/maximum port ranges must be specified.IntegerOptional
protocoltcp, udp, icmpEnumerationRequired
subprotocolICMP protocol only. Available enum values:
“echo-reply”, “echo-request”, “destination-unreachable”, “source-quench”, “time-exceeded” 
minimumThe minimumport range for the service. If this is specified, maximum is required. Either this or "port" should be specified.IntegerOptional
maximumThe maximum port range for the service. If this is specified, minimum is required. Either this or "port" should be specified.IntegerOptional

Return Definitions

200Your request is successful.
202Your request is accepted, but may take longer than usual to complete.
400Your request failed.
404Your resource does not exist. For example, the virtual machine you specified does not exist.
500An error occurred on the server side and cannot process the request.