To fully use this screen, you must add the following permissions to your account:

  • View Invoices

  • Read Payment Information

  • Update Payment Information

Understanding Your Invoice

View An Invoice

You can view current and previous invoices, including paid and unpaid invoices.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Invoices + Payments.

  3. Locate and select the desired invoice.

  4. In the Invoice details screen, you can review the details for your invoice.

Invoice Header

The invoice header appears at the top of the invoice and displays general information related to the invoice.



Invoice #

This column displays the system generated number that is associated with the invoice.

A PAID label next to the invoice number indicates that the invoice has been paid.

Invoice Date

This column displays the date that the invoice was generated.

Service Dates

This column displays the service start date and end date for the billing period associated with this invoice.

Bill To

This column displays the following information:

  • Account name

  • Account number

  • Purchase order (PO) number, if applicable

  • Bill To address associated with the account

The Bill To address may be the same as the Sold To address.

Sold To

This column displays the following information:

  • Account name

  • Account number

  • Purchase order (PO) number, if applicable

  • Sold To address associated with the account

The Sold To address may be the same as the Bill To address.


The legend provides a color-coded reference for Armor product categories.

Armor Enterprise Cloud

  • Instance / Appliance refers to virtual machines.

  • Disk refers to additional storage space in a virtual machine.

  • Security / Compliance refers to log collection, vulnerability scanning, SSL certificates, and encryption.

  • Network refers to SSL VPN accounts, IP addresses, and load balancers.

  • Other refers to IPRM (Dynamic Threat Blocking), SQL Servers, other non-categorized products, and credits / discounts.

Armor Anywhere

  • Security / Compliance refers to Armor Anywhere core services.

  • Other refers to add-on products, features, and credits / discounts.

Invoice Details

This section only applies to Armor Enterprise Cloud users.

For Armor Enterprise Cloud, invoices are organized by workload, tier, and location of the virtual machine.

This section of the invoice lists the charges for:




This column displays the product category associated with the invoice line item.

Product Name / Description

This column displays the product name and description of the invoice line item.

For virtual machines, the hyperlinked virtual machine friendly name and virtual machine ID will also display.

For Armor Anywhere users, you can export usage details for your virtual machines. To learn more, see Export usage data.

Service Period

This column displays the billing period associated with the invoice line item.


This column displays the rate of the invoice line item.


This column displays the quantity of the invoice line item.

Item Total

This column displays the total amount being billed for the invoice line item.

The total cost for each individual virtual machine will be reflected in Total Cost Per Virtual Machine/Appliance.

Invoice Footer

The invoice footer appears at the bottom of the invoice and displays general information related to the invoice.



Remit To

This column displays Armor's address where payments should be sent.

Invoice Sub Total

The total of all items reflected on the invoice. This total does not include any credits or discounts.

Credits + Discounts

The total amount of credits and discounts reflected on the invoice (if applicable).

Invoice Total

The sum of all invoice line items, credits, and discounts.

Credits + Discounts

If a credit or discount has been applied to the full invoice, then the related details will display in the Credits + Discounts section.




This column displays the category associated with the credit or discount.

In many cases, a generic description of Account Discount will appear.

To view where a specific discount or credit has been applied, download the CSV file for the invoice. Credits and discounts are listed directly under the corresponding product.

To learn more, see Export an invoice.

Product Name / Description

This column displays the description of the credit or discount.

In many cases, a generic description of Account Discount will appear.

To view where a specific discount or credit has been applied, download the CSV file for the invoice. Credits and discounts are listed directly under the corresponding product.

To learn more, see Export an invoice.

Service Period

This column displays the billing period associated with the credit or discount.


This column displays the quantity associated with the credit or discount.

Item Total

This column displays the amount of the credit or discount.

If a credit or discount has been applied directly to a virtual machine, then the details will be grouped in the Workload / Tier section for that particular virtual machine.

Exporting Your Invoice

Invoice Summary

You can export summarized data for all of your invoices, both paid and unpaid.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal, in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Invoices + Payments.

  3. (Optional) Use the filter function to customize the data displayed.

  4. Below the table, click CSV.

    1. You have the option to export all the data (All) or only the data that appears on the current screen (Current Set).

Export a Detailed Invoice

You can export the data for paid and unpaid invoices.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal, in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Invoices + Payments.

  3. (Optional) Use the filter function to customize the data displayed.

  4. Locate and select the desired invoice.

  5. At the bottom of the screen, click CSV or PDF.

Assigning An User as the Primary Billing Contact

You can configure a user to become the primary billing contact for an account. This user will receive billing notifications. Additionally, this user will be listed in the Bill to field in an invoice.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Users.

  3. Locate and hover over the desired user.

  4. Click the vertical ellipses.

  5. Select Set as Primary Billing Contact.

  6. Click OK.


If you do not see any invoices in the Invoices + Payments screen, consider that:

  • An invoice has not been created for your account.

    • Armor is responsible for adding invoices into your AMP account.

  • You do not have permissions to view invoices.

    • You must have the View Invoices permission enabled to view invoices. Contact your account administrator to enable this permission. To learn how to update your permissions, see Roles and Permissions.

Marketplace Listings

If you do not recognize a product listed in your invoice, consider that the invoice may display a different name for the product.

Review the following table to understand the different terms associated with a particular add-on product or feature.


Alternate names

Log Management

  • LogRetention13mo

  • Compliance Professional

  • Data & Log Management

Log Management 30-day Retention

  • LogRetention30day

  • Log Management Essentials

  • Data & Log Management

Intelligent Security Model and Support

  • Intelligent Security Model

  • ISM

  • Core ISM

When you order a virtual machine, you are also ordering Intelligent Security Model (ISM) for the virtual machine. Prices for ISM will vary based on the number of virtual machines you have ordered.

PCI Vulnerability Scans

  • Vulnerability Scanning

Persistent Encryption Expert Agent

  • Persistent Data Encryption Agent

Virtual Load Balancer

  • Load Balancer (Brocade)

Invoice and Billing Notifications

Armor recommends that you sign up for billing notifications to receive an update when:

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the top, right corner, click the vertical ellipses.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Notification Preferences.

  4. Next to Billing, use the slider to make your desired changes.

  5. Click Update Notification Preference to save your changes.

To fully use this screen, you must add the following permissions to your account:

  • View Invoices

  • Read Payment Information

  • Update Payment Information

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