To fully use this screen, you must have the following permissions assigned to your account:

  • Read Product Catalog

  • View Subscriptions

  • Write Subscriptions

For the latest pricing information, visit the Armor Marketplace in the Armor Management Portal (AMP).


You can use the Armor Marketplace to begin the purchase and configuration process for available add-on products.

Some add-on products in the Armor Marketplace may require additional support from Armor before you can use the add-on products.

When you select an add-on product, a ticket will be automatically created and sent to Armor Support to begin the configuration process. Additionally, the billing process will begin.

After a successful order, you can view your products in the Purchased Products section under Marketplace.

View Purchased Products

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Marketplace.

  2. Click Purchased Products.

Cancel a Product Subscription

When you cancel a product subscription, the cancellation will take place immediately; however, you will still be charged for the full amount until the end of the billing cycle.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Marketplace.

  2. Click Purchased Products.

  3. Locate and hover over the desired product.

  4. Click the vertical ellipses.

  5. Click Cancel.

  6. Click Cancel Subscription.

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