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ESLP:Armor Complete users (snippet)
ESLP:Armor Complete users (snippet)


In order to use this document, you must have the Write LogManagement permission assigned to your account.


You can use the Log Relay add-on product to securely store file-based application logs with Armor for 30 days or 13 months, based on your log retention plan. 

Log Relay


  • Collects only single-line log formats.
  • Does not provide security analysis, parsing, or awareness of log content. 
  • Can store up to 10,000 logs


Method / TypePOST
API call / URL/log-management/log-depot/activate
ParametersThere are no parameters for this API call.
Full API call / URL
Code Block
Sample 200 return
Code Block
  "accountId": 0,
  "modifiedByUserId": 0,
  "modifiedDate": "2017-10-23T16:35:13.540Z",
  "isEnabled": true



Option 1: For Windows users

To use these instructions, you must have powershell admin access.

  1. Log into the server instance that contains the Armor agent.
  2. Stop the agent with the following command: 
    • spsv armor-agent
  3. Run the agent policy command to add log policies. You can use the following commands as an example: 
    • For filelog type, run C:\.armor\opt\armor policy filelog add --path C:\inetpub\logs\web1.log --category web --tags web1,iis

    • For eventlog type, run C:\.armor\opt\armor policy eventlog add --name Application --category app --tags app
    • Category is required. You must label your logs based on one of the following categories: app, db, machine-data, platform, user, or web. 
    • Tags are optional. 
  4. Sync the agent's policy to the API with the following command:
    • C:\.armor\opt\armor policy filelog sync
  5. Restart the agent with the following command: 
    • sasv armor-agent
  6. (Optional) To review any collected host log files:
    1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), on the left-side navigation, click Security
    2. Click Log & Data Management
    3. Click Search
    4. Use the filter function to select Log Relay

Option 2: For Linux users

To use these instructions, you must have sudo access. 


Review the following example to understand how to send logs to Armor: /opt/armor/armor policy filelog add --path /var/log/dpkg.log --category platform --tags Ubuntu

/opt/armor/armor policy filelog addBase script
--path /var/log/dpkg.logThe location of the files.
--category platform

The type (category) of logs.

You must label your logs based on one of the following categories: app, db, machine-data, platform, user, or web. 

--tags Ubuntu

In the Search screen, you can search by tags.

Tags are optional.

  1. Log into a server instance that contains the Armor agent. 
  2. Stop the agent with the following command: 
    • service armor-agent stop
  3. Run the agent policy command to add log policies. You can use the following command as example: 
    • /opt/armor/armor policy filelog add --path /var/log/app.log --category app --tags app,app1
      • Category is required. You must label your logs based on one of the following categories: app, db, machine-data, platform, user, or web. 
      • Tags are optional.
  4. Sync the agent's policy to the API with the following command: 
    • /opt/armor/armor policy filelog sync
  5. Restart the agent with the following command: 
    • service armor-agent start
  6. (Optional) To review any collected host log files::
    1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), on the left-side navigation, click Security
    2. Click Log & Data Management
    3. Click Search
    4. Use the filter function to select Log Relay

Review additional agent-related commands
Review additional agent-related commands
Review Additional Agent-


Related Commands


Review the following table to better understand how to interact with the agent via the command line: 
