Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To fully use this screen, you must have the following permissions assigned to your account:

  • Read Workload(s)
  • Write Workload
  • Read Virtual Machine Stats
  • Read Virtual Machine(s)
  • Write Virtual Machine
  • Scale Virtual Machine
  • Read Location(s)
  • Read Virtual Data Centers
  • Read Tasks
  • Write Tasks
  • Read Storage



After you create a virtual machine, Armor recommends that you:

  1. Create a firewall rule
    • By default, outbound and inbound traffic are blocked from virtual machines. To allow traffic, you must create a firewall rule. To learn more, see Firewall Rules.
  2. Download the SSL/VPN client.
    • To access the virtual machine, you must download the SSL/VPN client. To learn more, see SSL VPN.

Change the name of a workload
Change the name of a workload
Change the Name of a Workload


  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Infrastructure
  2. Click Workloads.
  3. Locate and select the desired workload.
  4. Select and drag the desired virtual machine to the desired tier.



Delete a workload
Delete a workload
Delete a Workload


Insert excerpt
ESLP:Delete a workload (snippet)
ESLP:Delete a workload (snippet)

titleDelete a Workload

Insert excerpt
ESLP:Delete a workload (snippet)
ESLP:Delete a workload (snippet)
