Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To fully use this screen, you must have the following permissions assigned to your account:

  • Read Workload(s)
  • Write Workload
  • Read Virtual Machine Stats
  • Read Virtual Machine(s)
  • Write Virtual Machine
  • Scale Virtual Machine
  • Read Location(s)
  • Read Virtual Data Centers
  • Read Tasks
  • Write Tasks
  • Read Storage



After you create a virtual machine, Armor recommends that you:

  1. Create a firewall rule
    • By default, outbound and inbound traffic are blocked from virtual machines. To allow traffic, you must create a firewall rule. To learn more, see Firewall Rules.
  2. Download the SSL/VPN client.
    • To access the virtual machine, you must download the SSL/VPN client. To learn more, see SSL VPN.

Change the name of a workload
Change the name of a workload
Change the Name of a Workload


  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Infrastructure
  2. Click Workloads
  3. Locate and select the desired workload. 
  4. Hover over the gear icon, and then click the New Tier icon. 
  5. Locate the newly created tier, and then click the corresponding vertical ellipses. 
  6. Click Rename Tier
  7. Enter a descriptive tier name, and then click Rename
  8. (Optional) There are two ways to add a virtual machine to this newly created tier. 

Create a virtual machine to add to an existing tier
Create a virtual machine to add to an existing tier
Option 1: Create a virtual machine to add to an existing tie
