To ensure that the Qualys Scanner Appliance is able to reach your systems for testing, and to prevent a “Host "Host Not Alive” Alive" error (wherein the appliance cannot find your systems), Armor recommends opening the following ports in your firewall before processing new ASV Scans:
TCP: 21-23, 25, 53, 80, 88, 110-111, 135, 139, 443, 445
UDP: 53, 111, 135, 137, 161, 500
If customers are still receiving “Host "Host Not Alive” Alive" errors when scanning after the above ports are enabled, the direct Scanner Appliance may be whitelisted by including ( in the firewall before re-running scans.
Select Network → Scheduled Scans → New Scan.
- Confirm in new window on Scan configuration.
- Scan Title
Bandwidth of Scan (bandwidth selected will affect overall scan performance and scan time)
- Asset Type
Set Launch Window to Scheduled
Enter the desired frequency of the scan in the Scheduler Window and click OK. Your scan has now been scheduled.